We are not accepting new patients.

You need to book an appointment before you come to our clinic. We try to accommodate all patients who have an urgent issue, and will try to fit you in with your own doctor, depending on availability.

However, wait times can fluctuate depending on how busy we are. You may end up seeing another doctor, if your doctor is not available.

You can apply for BC Medical after arriving from another province after a 3 month waiting period. If you need to see a doctor within that period, you may still be covered under your previous province’s plan.

Please visit www.health.gov.bc.ca/msp for more information on how to apply for Health Insurance in BC.

We typically charge you and provide you with a receipt which you can use to apply for reimbursement from your provincial health plan. Please keep in mind that some things such as pap smears and other optional preventative visits may not be covered by your provincial plan.

Yes, there are fees to see the doctor if you are not from Canada. The initial prenatal visit is $200, office visit $100 – $200. Should you need x-rays or lab work or any other testing, there will be fees billed to you through the lab or x-ray facility.

There are also further fees involved should you need further visit. Please be aware that our clinic does not accept credit/debit cards; therefore, please pay with cash or cheque when you check in with us at the front desk.

Cosmetic procedures, such as some mole removals, certain liquid nitrogen treatments and most forms such as insurance forms, back to work or sick notes are not covered. Driver’s medicals, school, camp and some other physicals are also not covered by the medical services plan as per their rules about what is deemed medically necessary.

We often have to deal with urgent medical problems and phone calls from hospitals and other doctors, which may occupy our telephone lines.

We have 6 physicians whose patients are calling to book an appointment, we are doing our best to pick up your phone calls.

Please limit the duration of your telephone call so that the telephone line will be more free.
If we have patients in front of us, we need to ask if we can put you on hold.

Sometimes all MOAs in the office are busy helping our doctors, and your telephone may not be answered immediately.